Wednesday 28 September 2011

The Things You See....

I'm fairly certain that some people live in houses with no mirrors....
You know the people I mean - we've all seen the "people of Wal-Mart" emails. But if you look around, you will find these Wal-Mart people everywhere!!
Take this afternoon for example - here I was just waiting at the traffic lights and across the crossing walks a teenage girl in shorts that I swear were 3 sizes too small...Not a good look with her belly squeezed together in the front (look like a butt in front above her shorts)..Then of course there was the muffin top. Well, there are just no words....
Now it might seem critical of me as I'm certainly no supermodel, nor do I consider myself uber glamorous.
I just don't think it's that hard to make an effort to put together a nice outfit to leave the house, especially if you are going to work, or going to spend hours at your local shopping centre.
Just to clear things up a little here.....
- SLIPPERS are not shoes that you wear to the supermarket people!! I'm not talking ugg boots, I'm talking hot pink granny slippers!
- IF your muffin tops are rolling over the top of your pants/shorts/skirts, they are TOO small!!! Not the muffin tops, I meant the pants!
- JUST because your friend (who is the size of a twelve year old) looks great in denim cut offs with a midriff top does not mean they will look good on you (please refer to notes above about muffin tops)
-Bras and knickers are called UNDERwear for a reason...They go UNDER your clothes!! Guys, same goes for you with your jocks hanging out of your pants.
- BELTS, crazy invention I know! Who would have thought that 38 inches of leather could actually hold up your pants!!
Someone told me recently that the "trend" of guys wearing their jocks above their jeans originated in prison..It means you are available to be someone's bitch!! So guys, unless that is you - pull your damn pants up!!
Anyway as I said, I am not the worlds biggest fashionista but I'm pretty sure it's not that hard to look in the mirror before you leave the house.
The great Coco Chanel once said "To make an outfit perfect, take one thing off before you leave the house". I'm pretty sure she didn't mean to go out looking like a sausage squeezed into shorts you have had since you were 10 with a bikini top and ugg boots, so you take the belt off that holds up your pants!
Until next time - Beware of Bears in Cupboards!!

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