Saturday 24 September 2011

Kids and Never Ending Hunger

Have you ever noticed how HUNGRY kids are all the time??? I don't mean a little bit hungry, I mean "staaaaarrrving"....Take today for example.....
The Bear and I went and did groceries this morning, and she even picked all the items that she wanted to put in the "snack box" in the pantry, and yet all afternoon all I've heard is "Mum I'm sooooooo hungry". So of course my answer is "go outside and play" or "get a glass of water", or my all time favourite "Well eat a piece of fruit".
Which is never what they want to hear and never what they want to have, which then brings along the other classic line "well you're not really hungry then are you??"...I swear, I'm turning into my mother!!! But in all fairness, I'm pretty sure I never ate during the day when I was a kid, especially on weekends and holidays because we were too busy playing outside or at the beach, or over at so and so's house or dressing up the dog!!! I definately think that kids are too reliant on technology (says mum sitting at the computer typing a blog....mmmm ironic!!??)
Anyway that's my little rant for the afternoon, until next time - beware of Bears in Cupboards (especially if you are trying to sneak something to eat behind the little monster's back!!! lol)

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