Saturday 24 September 2011

Addictions and Obsessions

Have you ever noticed how suddenly you seem to have a large collection of something, and it's just kind of crept up on you??
I'm not sure exactly whether to call this kind of thing an addiction or an obsession! Both words have such negative conotations, but I'm leaning more towards obsession and it sounds just a little bit more like you might have some control over it!!
My lastest obsession is Owls. Now I have always loved birds and trees, and my decor in my house clearly reflects that, but owls now seem to have a large part of that space!
I think I can relate to Nina from the TV series Offspring....Not only is she slightly erractic and have a hopeless lovelife (yes I could be talking about me here too) she too has a passion for these wide eyed little birds.
I have met a wonderfully talented lady who runs her own business called Sisterhood Sewing (check her out on FB). She has very cleverly designed and hand sews these gorgeous owls, which are now threatening to take over my house (see pics) .....
Just one of my family :)
My daughter - the Bear - has an addiction of her own - Smiggle! For those of you without a "tweenager", Smiggle is the must have stationary for any fashionable young person. Just think bright colours, interesting textures and shapes, animal rubbers (and yes they do smell good) - the list is endless.. And of course there is always "new" stuff out every week, which she simply has to have because "everyone else at school has one"!!
Seriously I think we have spent enough in our local store that I deserve shares in the company!!!

I am not afraid to admit that there are times when you just can't help but get more of the stuff you love (can't you hear yourself saying "I'll just get this to go with that") and before long the obsession/addiction has spiralled almost out of control!
Who doesn't have a cupboard full of Tupperware that they just had to have? Or a pantry full of spices because you got inspired by Masterchef? Or a wardrobe full of platform heels because they are so gorgeous to walk past but impossible to walk in??
What's your addiction/obsession? Let me know! Until next time - beware of Bears in Cupboards!! xx

1 comment:

  1. loved reading your blog, honest and funny! looking forward to reading more.ox ellie
