Tuesday 27 September 2011

Book, Books & More Books

Is reading a novel becoming a thing of the past??
I certainly hope not! There is something to be said for being able to escape into an almost alternate universe.
The Bear loves the library. She loves that it's so quiet (for those of you that know her, I know that this will come as a HUGE surprise!). She loves the library trolleys where she can pile all her books up and proudly push them around...She loves being able to check out the books that she has chosen against her very own library card (just like my mum)...Oh the library card! Remember those paper ones from the good old days that had the date stamps on them? And your own card that had your books on them that you had borrowed??
Anyway, I digress! 
I love to read - in fact all of my friends are avid readers. We all like different styles and authors but all of us without a doubt, like the fact that we can escape to somewhere other than our own reality, even if it's only for a few pages....
I've read countless books over the years and enjoyed them all immensely. Some of these I have even managed to..mmm what's the word? inflict? instill? share? with The Bear.
Who didn't enjoy Nancy Drew or Trixie Beldon mysteries? Or the very marvellous Ms Agatha Christie? 
What about Sweet Valley High? Oh and lets not forget the classic series "Flowers In the Attic"..
The latest craze of course would have been the Harry Potter books, so incredibly creative, vividly descriptive and makes you so wish you could have gone to a school like Hogwarts!
Then of course there are those great Horror Stories - Stephen King (who could forget "IT") and Dean Koontz, so many to choose from!
Then along came Twilight. Now I will admit, I've never been a fan of vampire stories, but my friend "V" swore I would love these books, so I reluctantly agreed to read the first one, and found that I couldn't put it down. What an incredible love story these turned out to be!
My latest favourite author is Nora Roberts, writing as JD Robb. What a talent! She has created this powerful woman and created a whole series of books around her character (Eve Dallas). Definately worth a look if you can get them.
I'm lucky enough that another of my friends,  "L" , has almost the full series of these, which I have now been able to read from the beginning. 
At then end of the day, reading is relaxing and I certainly hope that books and libraries for that matter, don't disappear in this age of technology.
Let me know about your favourite books, whether current or some that you may have read and just loved!
Until next time, take care and beware of Bears In Cupboards (especially in the library or you are likely to get shushed!) xx

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