Saturday 24 September 2011

An Introduction

Well here I am, on a sunny if somewhat windy Sunday afternoon, writing my very first blog.....I thought I would have a go at doing my own blog, instead of just reading them, so I hope you will join me!
I figured I should give this a try, as I always seem to have so many words, thoughts and ideas going on, that just maybe this might give those words, thoughts and ideas some sort of direction...It's really just an outlet for me to vent my crazy thoughts, and hopefully make people laugh along the way...
So how did I decide on the name for my blog?

Well it's kind of funny (to me anyway)..You see my darling daughter has always been know at "the bear" since she was born...Nothing funny so far right? Well, the bear has quite a wicked sense of humour for a child and takes to hiding in my pantry so that when I open the door, I get the surprise of having a "bear in my cupboard". She loves nothing more than freaking me out, which is the funny part.

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and say that I will be talking (or rather writing) about a lot of different subjects, whatever happens to take my fancy for the day - books, food, cooking, friends, kids and life in general...
Hopefully you will follow me on this adventure and if I can make at least one person smile, or laugh out loud or look at things differently, or read a new book, or try a new recipe, then I will have achieved what I have set out to do....
Till the next time you join me on my journey of craziness - beware of Bears In Cupboards!!!

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