Tuesday 4 October 2011

The Power of Friends

I am lucky. Incredibly lucky. I have such a wonderful group of friends, who over the years have come into my life and I've been lucky enough to keep them - or them to keep me!! lol ;)
All of these friends are in their own ways very different people, but all love me for me (i think!), even though I am the first to admit that I must not always be an easy friend to have....
I have tried to pass this gift of friendship onto The Bear, and to show her that you don't have to try and be someone you are not to have your friends be true to you and accept you for who you are. I have also tried to explain to her that it's not always important to be the most popular or to have the most friends, but it is the ones that you do have who would do anything for you (and you for them) that you should really hold on to.
I have a lovely fridge magnet that says "I don't need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends I can be certain of"...This is so true....
My reason behind this particular blog is that a friend of mine recently lost someone they know to suicide. We got to discussing how we couldn't imagine being in that situation, which made me even more grateful for my friends.
Thankfully I have never been in a situation so bad or had a time in my life where I felt I had to end it all. I would also like to think that maybe, just maybe, I have been a good enough friend to have made someone perhaps rethink their situation and realise that even though they might think no-one cares or is there, that there definitely is....
I certainly didn't post this to be morbid or depressing either, in fact I posted this so that if any of us think any of our friends (or children even for that matter) are feeling like this, we can reach out to them and let them know someone, somewhere is watching over them...
Until next time - Beware of Bears in Cupboards

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