Thursday 17 November 2011

Travelling with Kids....

Hello readers! Sorry I have been so busy I haven't been able to post for a while!! In the lead up to Christmas (can you believe it's only 6 weeks away???!!!) I have no doubt I will be even busier!! But as usual, I digress so I will get on with the topic :)
We've all heard the question " Are we there yet?"....
What do you think your kids would do if you suddenly pulled over in the middle of nowhere (or the middle of somewhere depending on where you are going!) and said "Right, this is where we are going - out you get!"...
A few weekends ago, I went on a mini road trip with one of my besties and our three kids (one was missing in action)...I'm pretty sure about twenty minutes in we got an "are we there yet" from the backseat, which was quickly followed by an "I'm hungry" (please feel free to read previous post discussing children and their never ending hunger)... It's not like we had been driving for days, and the trip only took a bit over an hour at the most!
The most amusing part of this whole mini road trip was the children inspecting each others armpits for hair!!! So funny, I nearly ran off the road laughing!!! These kids are 10, 10 & 8 and that's all they have to worry about! Just priceless :)
I remember when I was a kid, getting bundled into the car on the weekend and going for a "family drive". We would spend hours driving around other people's neighbourhoods checking out houses and gardens, and going to other suburbs and towns, stopping in at quirky roadside markets and little corner stores! Mind you back then when you went to the Service Station to fill up, you actually got "service" and petrol wasn't $50 a litre (ok slight exaggeration), and the other thing was we didn't seem to spend so much time in our cars...
I guess we take it for granted now and just drive everywhere and our lives are all so busy and our kids all seem to have the shortest attention spans in history......
Well I'm off soon on an interstate roadtrip with the same friend and the same kids and this time we will have NO car and have to get trains & buses everywhere! What an experience I'm sure that will turn out to be! Fingers crossed we all have a good time and don't get too many "are we there yet"s because, well let's face it, we won't know!!!
Until next time, beware of bears in cupboards xx

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