Monday 24 September 2012

Living in Limbo

Well I haven't written for nearly a year! I can't believe how much has happened since my last blog....
Some major changes have come my way, the biggest being that for the first time since I was a teenager I actually have no job.....
This was my own doing, I simply did not agree with the restructure of staff that my employer had set in place and for my own sanity, not to mention my integruty, I felt I had no choice but to walk away.
Devasting, gut wrenching, tearfulness, anger, frustration - the gamut of emotions I have gone through in the last week have been huge....However one emotion I have not felt at all is regret..
Have you ever believed in something so strongly and have you ever taken a stance like this? Its funny as a lot of my friends have been saying that I have such strength and bravery, but really I am just a little person standing up against a big corporation for what I truly believe is right....
I really don't know whether that makes me brave and strong, or naive and stubborn.....perhaps a bit of both :)
So now I have all this time on my hands but I am looking at this as a I finally get time to spend with my daughter (the bear) over the school holidays, I feel more relaxed than I have in ages (even though money is making me feel stressed), but I figure that this time has come for a reason.
The other thing I can take from this experience is that I am truly blessed with a wonderful bunch of friends, who have all been nothing but supportive while I feel as though I am having a meltdown....
"I don't have a certain number of friends, just a number of friends I can be certain of"
So while I am in limbo, i will write, I will walk along the beach, I will spend time with my daughter, I will cook (for myself and my friends)...all of the things that make me truly happy....
So until next time - beware of bears in cupboards! Xx